Mmmm…multi-culinary! People who have lived since their home lives, must be so good at everything they care about. Dafür bring you a wealth of cultural heritage with – etwa ihre culinary traditions. In the Canton of Zurich, I live in a country with a copy of the books, read my articles and read their stories: from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Guinea, Honduras, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, Mongolia, Peru, Senegal, Sri Lanka, South America, Syria , Tibet and Ukraine. Here are some reviews of the large variety of country dishes wider: from Curry to Kohl, from Fish to Fingerfood, for a meal with a large menu, for a long time to come. And they say the enormous social Stellenwert, the common Essen possesses. The concerns about the Kochbuch-Projekt vom Solinetz Zürich eV Der Verein setzt sich für die Würde und Rechte von Flüchtlingen, Sans-Papiers und Asylsuchenden ein. The Solinetz organisiert Deutschkurse, Mittagstische, Unterstützung bei Amtsgängen, Besuche von Gefangeneen in Ausschaffungshaft etc. This is the case, the Bevölkerung für the Situation of Flights are sensitized - and these mittels Projects, that not nur for Flüchtlings, without a common community with Fl foreigners konzipiert sind. |