Hiking guide Rother Geneva See - 50 Touren 3.A 2013

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ISBN-EAN 9783763341542
Uitgever Rother Verlag
Jaar van uitgave 2013 3rd edition
Formaat 16.5x11.5cm 183 pages. softcover
Taal German
Levertijd 1-3 days
Soort Hiking guides

In the southern part of the Geneva Lakes, surrounded by the highest peaks of the Alps and the Jura, lies Geneva, the smallest major city of the world and the settlement of Jean-Jaques Rousseau. Dessen's epistolary novel »Julie or La nouvelle Heloïse« from 1761 with a great deal of inspiration for the nourishment of the Alps. There are no other legends of the Alps, beyond which they were written in this way.
Daniel Anker, one of the renowned Bergbuch-Autoren und Alpine-Journalisten der Schweiz, describes in this article Rother Wanderführer 49 besonders attractive Wanderungen around the large See Western Europe: about the Wände and the Meadows of the Salève, on the Gipfel des Chablais, of the Dents of Midi and the Schloss Chillon near Montreux, from the Rebberge des Lavaux und der La Côte, over the Kämme des Jura in den Parks von Lausanne und Geneva. This means that the Autor Touren in den verschiedensten Schwierigkeitsgraden ausgewählt – vom gemütlichen Schlendern ent-lang der Uferpromenade über Waldwanderungen bis zu pruchsvollen Gipfeltouren. The friends of the Klettersteigen are also very welcome. Wer Lust auf eine longe Unternehung hat, findet Hinweise, wie er die vorgestellten Wanderungen zu eenner dreizehntägigen Umrundung des gesamten Genfer Sees verknüpfen kann.
These detailed tour descriptions are illustrated with detailed photo's and a detailed description of the route description. Hints about useful tips for route connections, usefulness, understanding, easy transportation – and the literature of Rousseau bis Hemingway.

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