With »Antipasti and New Ways« you can enjoy the years of Valle Maira in Italian Piemont as a Wanderparadies entdecken. The fact is that it is not yet sad, but without it it has not become more attractive. |
Reading, wandering and enjoying The reading book »Antipasti und alte Wege« states that the Valle Maira in southern Piedmont, on the borders of the French Alps, states: a valley with a natural landscape, with a natural habitat for those in Alaska – and with a healthy tourism. Initiative Leute, Dagebliebene und Zugewanderte, haben das alte Wegnetz z neuem Leben erweckt. Main person is the Mairaweg, with the man of Mai bis October wandering kann. Bauer/Frischknecht love all the information about the two stages of the Mairawegs and signals Variants: Traveling in the Nachbartäler as well as Ausflüge zur Provinzhauptstadt Cuneo, zum Talort Dronero und zu Acceglio, dem Ausgangspunkt in den Bergen. This stage will serve as a story: we would like to share with you who the Musikgruppe »Lou Dalfin« was used to create banners for new recordings. And at the same time enjoy small, fine addresses with antipasti, first and second. |
-Pressee echo- »In Antipasti und alte Wege haben die Genusswanderer Jürg Frischknecht und Ursula Bauer, die mit Grenzschlängeln 1995 een new Maßstab für Wanderbücher setzten, da »andere Piemont« entdeckt. More like a Wanderführer – a Fundgrube!« Robert Treichler, Tages-Anzeiger »Bauer/Frischknecht writes and describes fresh food and spirits, with a fine conversation for their diets and their details. Antipasti and other ways to enjoy a walk with your head, so you can enjoy a free view, so you can enjoy your views, and who would like to have a nice meal and lunch.« Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Aktuell |