Outdoor Map GT Etelä-Suomi (Southern Finland) 1:250,000

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ISBN-EAN 9789522665379
Uitgever Karttakes kiss
Jaar van uitgave 2019
Land Finland
Taal Finnish-Swedish-English-German-Russian
Levertijd 1-5 days
Schaal 1:250,000
Soort Cycling maps

The Outdoor GT Series has plenty of information to offer for travelers during any season. The map focuses on cycling, paddling, hiking and snowmobile trips, so it is a useful outdoor map both in summer and in winter. For cyclists, the map has cycling routes with information on if they are paved or unpaved. Paddlers will find information on kayak and canoe trails, dangerous rapids and portage trails. To help hikers plan their journey, the map shows extensively the various marked hiking trails and wilderness huts in the area.

An Outdoor GT map is based on a road map with wetlands and contour lines (20-meter intervals) added and with plenty of traveling information. The map also shows the areas covered by the detailed outdoor maps published by Karttakeskus to help travelers find a more accurate map of their destination. On the side of the map you will find information on national cycling routes, instructions on carrying bicycles in public transports, kayak and canoe trails, hiking trails and snowmobile routes.

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