Lost in the Alps 2

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ISBN-EAN 9783039022199
Uitgever AT Verlag AG
Jaar van uitgave 2022 6th edition
Land Switzerland
Formaat 21x28cm 312 pages.
Bindwijze Be bound to
Taal German
Levertijd 1-3 days
Soort Mountain sports

Breathtaking photos, incredible views, phenomenal places - that's what awaits us in this book. The author collective "The Alpinists", known for their spectacular photos on Instagram, inspires us to immerse ourselves in dreamlike mountain worlds. The book is not only a pleasure to look at and read, but also inspires you to embark on your own adventures. Maps, background information and hiking tips complement the fantastic photos. Each member introduces themselves, some of their favorite walks and stories about them. The photographers give tips for taking photos and finding the best photo spots. Environmentally friendly and sustainable use of the mountain environment is also a theme.

The Alpinists are a collective of eleven young friends united by their passion for nature and adventure. Whether a student or a freelancer, each member of the group spends a lot of time looking through the viewfinder of their camera, looking for that one, ultimate image. The combination of mountain enthusiasm and photographic ambition leads to breathtaking moments that The Alpinists want to share with anyone interested in this book.

The Alpinists present their favorite hikes in the Swiss mountains and provide the necessary knowledge to tackle them, such as timetables, information on distances, elevation changes and the best photo spots.
Each walk has been assigned a difficulty level, depending on the length of the walk, the elevation gain to be covered, the width and the passability of the path, but also on how demanding the walks are and what experience you need to have.

The overview maps mainly contain information about accommodation options and good photo spots. Camera icons mark every good opportunity for a photo and also the places where the authors' photos were taken. These details help to take beautiful photos of the highlights during the walks. QR codes lead to detailed route maps.

The Alpinists take us on varied hikes with impressive views of mountains, lakes and valleys. For example from the Pfannenstiel to the Mutschen and down to Wildhaus, to the Sidelenhütte, from where you have a beautiful view of the bizarre granite towers of probably the most famous camels in the world, to the massive Galenstock and to the Bielenhörner, to the Cabane du Mountet , to the Nufenenstock, to the Limmerensee or to the SAC hut Corno-Gries with its characteristic architecture.

Lace up your hiking boots - grab your camera - ready - go!

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