Travel guide Croatia Coast & Inseln 3.A 2018

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ISBN-EAN 9783831729784
Uitgever Reise Know How/Peter Rump
Jaar van uitgave 2018 3rd edition
Land Croatia
Formaat 19x12cm 552 pages. paperback
Bindwijze Paperback
Taal German
Levertijd 1-3 days
Auteur Werner Lips
Soort Travel guides


The travel guide covers the combined coastal region of the Kvarner Bucht and Dalmatians from Opatija in the Norden and the Montenegrin Borders in the South, with a clear view of the Plitwitzer Lake National Park (Plitvice).

The Kvarner Bucht with the Inseln Krk, Rab, Cres and Losinj are treasured by Individualists, who have no long journeys and also the Urlaubsorte such, which they have to preserve their health. These Dalmatian coasts are also influenced by their fascinating natural and cultural communities, where Split, Zadar, Trogir and Dubrovnik are part of the historic centers of UNESCO's cultural heritage.

Dalmatians and the Kvarner Bucht with additional travel information:

  • Detailed description of all aspects of life, city and beach
  • Information for your travel expenses: Hotels, Apartments, Ferienhäuser, Camping Places, Youth Hostels
  • Culinarische Tipps von Kennern: die ganze Vielfalt der Croatian Küche, Restaurants für (fast) jeden Geschmack
  • Activities in and around the water: Segeln, Schnorcheln, Tauchen, Baden, Bootfahren
  • Information about the transportation facilities (Flugge, Bahn, Bus, Fähre) as well as travel with your own vehicle
  • Extra tips for families with children
  • Croatian for activities: Wandering, Radfahren, Wassersport, Bootstouren
  • Ausführliche Kapitel zu Natur, Geschichte, Kultur und Traditionen
  • More than 50 detailed maps and city plans (including more practical maps for your region)
  • Kleiner Sprachführer Croatian und Glossar wichtiger Begriffe

Jetzt in neuem Layout
For the Auflage 2015, the assessment of the travellers' full-time work was complete:
+ Verbesserte Orientierung im Buch + Larger Photos + Modernisierte Seitengestaltung
+ Overview of maps.

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