Rother Wanderführer Abruzzo 60 Touren

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ISBN-EAN 9783763340132
Uitgever Rother
Jaar van uitgave 2021 2nd edition
Land Italy
Formaat 16.5x11.5cm 272 pages.
Bindwijze Paperback
Taal German
Levertijd 1-5 dagen
Auteur Heinrich Baureifer
Soort Hiking guides

Die Abruzzo since das Herzland Italiens. With the National Parks »Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga«, »Majella« and »Abruzzi« and the Naturpark »Sirente-Velino« with large, large Limestone Mountains, a dense and sheltered area with large, extensive forests. Braunbären, Wölfe und Luchse sind heimisch, wiewohl jedoch nur with Glück zu erblicken. In Abruzzo we find with the Gran Sasso the highest Erhebung des Apennine, now beautiful results of the Corno Grande the Dreitausendmetermarke. Deep gorges, wide caves and waterfalls, white high-rises, silent lakes, deep valleys and narrow valleys with a grandiose symbiosis. With the Hügeln und a steepen Berghängen ducken sich jahrhundertealte Bergdörfer, which ihren Charme bis heute nicht haben. More than 500 castles and castles, completely isolated churches, large villages and protected houses were covered there.
These fell gestaltige – fresh as uneasy, but rückständig angesehene – Bergwelt lädt heute zu intensen Excursionen in der Natur ein. Heinrich Bauregger states in his letter Wanderführer 60 abwechslungsreiche Touren vor. The Palette provides you with easy hiking – including the “Tal der Hundert Wasserfälle” – with a view to the countryside in the Gran-Sasso-Gebiet. You will enjoy your home with plenty of accommodation, and also enjoy hiking with a good tourist infrastructure. The home of the National Parks is a safe place to explore.
Overview of tour information, detailed high profile information, extensive hiking maps with detailed route information and detailed road descriptions for all tour information. GPS dating options for downloading. Viele Infos zu Künften und Sehenswürdigkeiten machen diesen Führer zu einem invisvisbaren Wegbegleiter im wilde Herzen Italianen.

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