Travel guide Potsdam

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ISBN-EAN 9783897946927
Uitgever Trescher Verlag
Jaar van uitgave 2021 3rd edition
Land Germany
Formaat 19x12cm 240 pages
Bindwijze Paperback
Taal German
Levertijd 1-4 days
Auteur Kristine Jaath
Soort Travel guides

Potsdam, the capital of Brandenburg, is a fascinating visitor magnet. World-famous architectural monuments such as the Sanssouci Park and Palace, the Babelsberg Palace, the Cecilienhof or the Dutch Quarter stand next to spectacular new buildings such as the Museum, Barberini, the City Palace or the Biosphere Hall.

The area also has many attractive destinations to offer, such as Werder, Caputh, Geltow or Paretz.

This travel guide provides expert and entertaining information about the city's history and culture and describes all the sights in detail.

Numerous tips on gastronomy, accommodation, museums, transport connections and excursion destinations provide orientation for both day trippers and visitors planning a longer trip.

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